

We have courses and workshops. Visit R2B and let us know areas of interest. We tailor courses and trainings.


Themes on deeptech, institutional capacity building, impact from reseaerch. Please contact to have this in your EU project or MSCA. Half day workshop, full day workshop. We can adjust content to your interest.

If you are a researcher in EU, then you (should) know that impact is essential for project funding and career.

Impact was important before, but now it is even more important if you want to position yourself and your project for the future. It is already now in calls for funding expected to present how the project will have post project effects. A key feature here for a successful proposal is to show that the project is aware of the smart specialisation strategy by European Commission. The Smart Specialisation Strategy is about regions finding areas of strength and focus extra on those. Basically identify actors which make a value chain. This is also what the technology describes: a value chain. Both smart specialisation and technology describe the same thing: the value chain. From different “languages”. But they do not refer to each other, especially researchers and SMEs are not aware of Smart Specialisation Strategy and/or what is means in practice.

Smart Specialisation Straregy (S3) is followed by Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4). You see? S3 to S4 to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). That chain is a realistic motivation how you will reach SDGs in practice. Not only talking about SDG without practical reality. The S4 is now replaced by Partnerships for Regional Innovation.

Transfer of innovation knowledge and experience will result in EU researchers to have competence to build capacity to create impact. The motivation is driven by that technology should align with European strategies. That will create synergies. The overall aim is to contribute to Green Deal, Sustainable Development Goals, etc. However, these are long-term. The way to move in that direction in practice is by understanding how the project, its value chain, and each partners activity align with the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) that was introduced by the European Commission about ten years ago. This place-based innovation policy concept is about the entrepreneurial discovery process in innovative sectors, fields or technologies.

– Impact: the importance in research project applications and career

– The long-term values by: building your partnership with shared goals and values among partners, have complementary skills and expertise, focus on open communication and trust-building

– Present the impact with realistic motivation

– The synergy of technology and Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) by European Commission

 The meaning of Smart Specialisation Strategy and how it is useful for you in reality

– The value chain relevance in technology and Smart Specialisation Strategy

– Sustainable Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4) – the follow up that shows your next step

– Why you must consider the IP or risk to lose the impact

– Shared data for research to business

– Digitalization of the value chain, from machine learning and AI to digital twin.


MSCA Sweden is initiated by Alminica AB, a deeptech innovation SME in Sweden.


As host we have ICM Research Institute (click on link to visit homepage).

Alminica AB in social channels