Research – Industry training
We can arrange research industry training to an ongoing MSCA.
There are various degrees of training.
(i) Online webinar with following interactive discussion. This webinar serves as an introduction. You will aquire an overview what is to consider for research to industry. If you are really interested in research to industry, you will want to go to full length options below. 50 EUR. You can register for one upcoming Research to industry | MSCA Training on this link at our R2B.
(ii) One day (6 hrs + break) workshop with in depth examples after webinar and interactive part. You will also get individual session after workshop. That will be one-to-one meeting and discuss your particular interest and career development. 420 EUR (if you have participated in online webinar, we will reduce workshop fee with 50 EUR). Contact us for your interest.
(iii) Third is physical workshop. Anything from 1-4 days. We can host in Sweden at one of our camp locations. We can also arrange at suitable location with industry visits. Contact us for your interest.
Training coordinator is Dr. Mikael Syväjärvi. He has own experience since 2010 in creating technology transfer, start-ups, and build new industry initiatives. His first technology transfer experience was about a process for silicon carbide. That was transferred to a Japanese company and later investors came in such as Ikea Greentech. The first start-up experience was in graphene on silicon carbide. The company has customers from first day. For industrial initiatives he has seen the journey of silicon carbide going from research to commercial market. That is a period of 30 years, which is typical for a new generation of material. Dr Syväjärvi is now part of new silicon carbide industry that is a second wave of the first. Over the years he has met many entrepreneurial researchers, start-ups, and also mentor such researchers and support start-ups. This has built a wealth of experiences. He will also share central new business models which have to be considered. Those are about the importance of sharing data and digitalization. Incorporate those early instead of having to make it later.
All these will be shared experiences. For the particiants that gives ideas. Some of those can maybe be used in your own specific case.
Industry training is necessary for academic career. It is not sufficient to only publish papers. When reviewers compare two good research proposals, the one with realistic impact will benefit. Same type of impact motivations are used in research as in business. They are just presented differently. Researchers will add motivations on research outcomes, while business will add motivations on financial outcomes. Impact evidences the strength of the research/business activity.

Contact us with your interest.

One of the camp locations in Sweden: